hi there i'm abhishek

in a nutshell

Hello! I'm V Abhishek Kumar, a 22 year old software developer @Bangalore.
I build stuff.



Building dynamic sites using frameworks like Django and ASP.NET MVC.


Developing native android apps (Java, Android Studio) and cross platform apps (Flutter).


Building fast and minimilistic APIs using modern web frameworks like FastAPI and ASP.NET Web APIs.


Getting things done in an efficient and elegant way using programming. Solving problems, data analysis, automating, scripting and more.

selected projects


I love building random projects. Here's a list of some of my personal projects. All my projects are open source and available on github.


wait, what?


music downloader

June 2020

Download music with ease. Currently supports ytmusic and spotify

Tools used

ytmusic api, spotify api, python

youtube to spotify

July 2020

Script that automatically migrates all playlist songs from youtube to spotify

Tools used

youtube api, spotify api, python

discord bot

Aug 2020

A bot that can play music in multiple discord servers simultaneously. It also does a lot of random stuff.

Tools used

python, discord.py, youtube-dl, beautiful soup

App that displays the list of top cryptocurrencies along with interactive graphs and useful statistics. Also contains support for historical data.

Tools used

android studio, java, coingecko api, postman

job social media

Sept. 2020

Social media platform that connects employers and employees. It also provides the ability to search for jobs using keywords like location and job position.

Tools used

python, django, sqlite, bootstrap

Script to download top N wallpapers from any subreddit of your choice.

Tools used

praw, python, requests

A project to visualize some of the most popular sorting algorithms.

Tools used

python, tkinter

work experience

Software developer @Epsilon

Jun 2021 - Aug 2021

Worked on website responsiveness and frontend design.
Built API wrappers and integrated social media components on the website.

Software developer @Surewaves

Mar 2022 - Present

[Backend Developer]
Building performant APIs and redesigning system using .NET and C#
Integrated cloud log monitoring, redis caching, and more.

contact me

get in touch at piyx.abhishek@gmail.com